Sheila Fleming
[email protected]
Phone: 860-870-6860 ext:20208
Team 6 Gold - Room 208
Reading and English

"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different..." C.S. Lewis
Update for the week of 9/30/19
Students have been actively reading with a focus on what makes a good story. They have been applying the following strategies: predict, clarify, inference, connect, question and summarize, to help build reading comprehension.
We will continue to work with reading strategies as we begin the novel Crash by Jerry Spinelli
Students will be taking a reading strategies quiz on Monday 9/30
Sixth grade students are expected to read a minimum of 2 hours per week. Reading logs will be sent home each Tuesday for students to record their weekly reading and for parents to sign.
Writer's Workshop: Students are currently working on a realistic fiction process piece
The students continue to proofread and use language conventions using Daily Oral Language (DOL) practice sentences. They make corrections to incorrectly written sentences. Corrections will be made to spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. This will be done on a weekly to semi-weekly basis.
The grammar focus has been types of sentences, complete sentences, fragments, and run-on sentences
Please send in Box Tops!
Be sure to check your child's agenda for important information and assignments.