Student Services

Student Support Services


 Mrs. Alicia Miller– Department Head, School Counselor,
Grade 8 
[email protected]

Ms. Mckenzie Newton, School Counselor, Grade 7 
[email protected]

 Mrs. Antonia Kapolas – School Counselor, Grade 6 
[email protected]

 Mrs. Brenda Waterhouse – School Psychologist
[email protected]

Mrs. Tracey Campise – Counseling Secretary
[email protected]

Tolland Middle School Counseling Program

The TMS counseling program is designed to support middle school students and their families as they navigate through the unique and diverse challenges of adolescence.  In this effort, we provide all students with strategies for academic achievement, personal and social development, and understanding the relationship between school and the world of work.

 Program Components

 The four components of the TMS counseling program are as follows:

  • Individual Planning – Emphasis is on the individual with regard to academic advising, appraisal, and long-term planning.
  • Responsive Services – Emphasis is placed on counseling, consultation, and referral.  Students may participate in small group counseling such as stress management, divorce, bereavement, peer issues, organization, girls group, boys group, and anger management.  These groups are not intended to be therapeutic, but allow students the opportunity to share common thoughts and experiences, and learn coping skills and strategies.
  • Program Support – Support is provided for curriculum, staff and program development, parent newsletters, community speakers, records management, orientation programs, etc.
  • Curriculum – Counselors visit classrooms regularly to present lessons promoting academic, personal/social, and career development.  Topics generally focus on skill development in the following areas: self-understanding and interpersonal relations; self-direction; decision making and problem solving; teamwork and cooperation; cultural awareness; career/postsecondary investigation, options and planning; organization and time management; communication; peer pressure and conflict resolution.

Roles of the School Counselor

The counseling program provides major assistance in the development of student’s self-respect and involvement in their own learning process.  In so doing, counselors function in a number of different capacities including:

  • Counselor:  The counseling role provides a broad range of opportunities for problem solving and skill development to assist students in setting realistic goals. 
  • Advocate:  The counselor recommends or supports courses of action which enhance student achievement.
  • Leader: The counselor facilitates the integration of resources from the school and community to establish a complete network of services for academic, personal/social and career development. 
  • Consultant and Collaborator: The counselor as consultant provides professional expertise to staff, parents and other community members, as well as collaborates with this group to enhance student achievement.
  • Teacher:  The counselor as teacher delivers a planned, sequential guidance curriculum addressing the developmental needs of all students in the school community.

Questions and/or Concerns

Please contact your child’s school counselor with any academic, personal/social, or school-to-career related concerns.

2022-2023 Counselor Calendar

End of August/September

Activities of the Month:

  • Student schedules finalized and mailed home (late August)
  • Work with principal, and reading specialist staff for exit/entry in reading and math development programs
  • Meeting with teams and case managers  regarding students
  • Fine tuning schedules
  • New student registrations, tours, and scheduling
  • New student lunch groups

Classroom Guidance lessons:

  • Grade 6- Transition and Study Skills
  • Grade 7- Transition and Time Management

On-Going Counselor Activities*


Activities of the Month:

  • Mid-term grade reviews


Classroom Guidance lessons:

  • Grade 6-Assertive Communication/Conflict Resolution
  • Grade 7- Identifying Individual Learning Styles


On-going Counselor Activities*



Activities of the Month:

  • High School Options program presented to 8th graders
  • Meet with 8th grade students applying to alternate high schools regarding admissions and application progress
  • Parent Teacher Conferences (11/2 and 11/3)

Classroom Guidance lessons:

  • Grade 6- CNaviance/Goal Setting/Career Awareness
  • Grade 7- Conflict Resolution
  • Grade 8- Tolerance/Diversity

On-going Counselor Activities*


Activities of the Month:

  • 8th grade alternate high school applications processed
  • Mid-term grade review
  • Trimester 1 grade review


Classroom Guidance lessons:

  • Grade 6- Role of a Student
  • Grade 8- Naviance


On-Going Counselor Activities*



Activities of the Month:

  • Schedule changes- second semester electives
  • Work with principal, reading and math specialist staff for exit/entry in reading and math development support for second semester


Classroom Guidance lessons:

  • Grade 7- Career Exploration/Naviance
  • Grade 8- Orientation to THS


On-Going Counselor Activities*



Activities of the Month:

  • Mid-year status reports with students in danger of failing for the year; team meetings, letters to parents sent home
  • Discussion begins about transition to high school



On-Going Counselor Activities*




Activities of the Month:

  • Parent teacher conferences (3/7 and 3/8)
  • Individual meetings with 8th grade students regarding high school planning

On-Going Counselor Activities*



Activities of the Month:

  • Quarter 3 status reports with students in danger of failing for the year; team meetings, letters to parents sent home
  • Placement process begins (grade 5 to 6, grade 6 to 7, grade 7 to 8)
  • Individual meetings with 8th grade students regarding high school planning

On-Going Counselor Activities*




Activities of the Month:

  • Individual meetings with 8th grade students regarding high school planning
  • Annual reviews- PPT’s and 504’s*\
  • SBAC Testing 

    *Counselors case manage, plan, and chair 504 meetings

  • Course request forms distributed
  • Parent orientation for grade 5 parents: TBD

Classroom Guidance lessons:

  • Grade 5 transition lessons & tours of TMS 
  • Grade 6 to 7 Orientation for students 
  • Grade 7 to 8 Orientation for students

On-Going Counselor Activities*



Activities of the Month:

  • Attend annual reviews for PPTs and 504s
  • Promotion/retention hearings 
  • Schedule new student visits
  • Individual transition needs
  • Incoming 7th and 8th grade math level recommendations mailed home

On-Going Counselor Activities*

*On-Going Counselor Activities Throughout the Year

Attend team meetings

Parent conferences

PPT’s, 504’s- case coordinator’s

Student progress reviews

Small group counseling:   Examples- divorce, stress, girls, boys, organization,  peer pressure, grief & loss, coping with illness in the family

Student mediations- facilitate problem solving between students

Daily individual counseling, including walk-ins and appointments

Professional development

Consulting and collaborating with Tolland Human Services and other community counselors

Weekly RTI meetings

Counseling Pamphlet 

