Ms. Titus
2018 Band Information
Proud Band Parent please provide your young musician with:
- Help and encouragement establishing and maintaining a consistent practice routine.
- A working instrument; it is best to get the instrument serviced each summer. Please be sure the instrument is in playing condition. All instruments should be serviced, cleaned or overhauled each summer. If a repair is needed for the instrument during the school year, be sure to get a loaner instrument from the music store.
- A straight back chair, music stand & quiet place to practice at home each day.
- The book & accompaniment CD recording set & CD player (or access online recordings and speakers)
Musician Responsibilities:
- Establish and maintain a consistent practice routine to improve your playing ability.
- Play your instrument at home 100 minutes per week.
- Attend band rehearsals, lessons and performances.
- Choose excellence in attitude and effort. Be prepared. Student musicians attend band & lesson with: instrument, pencil, folder, music handouts, sheet music, book (keep CD set at home for practicing)
grade 6: blue book and CD set, Standard of Excellence Book 2,
by Bruce Pearson (Kjos)
grades 7&8: green book, Standard of Excellence Book 3, by Bruce Pearson (Kjos)
Jazz Band: Essential Elements for Jazz Ensemble, by Mike Steinel (Hal Leonard)
BOOK DELIVERY: Instead of driving to the music store for a book, reeds or valve oil; you may call to arrange a delivery at school. Joe from Gerry’s Music Shop visits Tolland every Friday. Call Gerry’s Music Shop 1-800-724-7402 by Thursday 4:00 p.m. to purchase an item and it will be delivered to Tolland Middle School.
How to get a delivery:
- Parent calls music store by 4 p.m. on Thursday.
- Student picks up item in band room after school on Friday.
Parents, please encourage your young musician to establish a consistent home practice routine. Students who have a regular practice routine will be successful. It is best to play at home for 15-20 minutes per day. Practicing consistently will maintain and build: 1. endurance and physicality of playing the instrument, 2. technical prowess on the instrument and 3. develop artistry as a musician.
Time + Effort = Progress…Progress is success. Learning to play an instrument well is all about getting better. A practice routine should include: warm up, scale, technical etude, literature/ repertoire, something fun. When a student does not practice, they become stagnant, bored, frustrated and fall behind. This often leads to a desire to quit. A great way to get back, if the routine has slipped is to schedule 10–15 minutes of daily practice for 7 days in a row. This will yield improved playing ability. Practice makes permanent.
Please be sure the student’s full name is clearly marked on all materials. This includes anything and everything that you spend money on. Please provide an identification tag on the handle of the instrument case. Other personal touches such as a key-chain, ribbon, or stickers are also recommended. Think of school as a busy airport. It is wise to have a record of the make, model and serial number.
Please devote a 3 ring binder to band for organizing your music. Put your sheet music in plastic sheet protectors and organize the music alphabetically.
Please be sure the instrument is in playing condition. All instruments should be serviced, cleaned or overhauled each summer. If a repair is needed for the instrument during the school year, be sure to get a loaner instrument from the music store.
How to get a repair:
Instead of driving to the music store for a repair, you may call to arrange an exchange at school. Joe from Gerry’s Music Shop visits Tolland every Friday. Call Gerry’s Music Shop 1-800-724-7402 to schedule an exchange of a broken instrument for a store loaner instrument.
- Parent calls music store by 4 p.m. on Thursday and makes arrangements for a repair and loaner exchange.
- Student drops off the broken instrument next to Miss Titus’ desk in the band room by Friday morning. Student picks up loaner during lunch or after school.
- The following week student drops off the loaner instrument next to Miss Titus’ desk in the band room by Friday morning. Student picks up fixed instrument during lunch or after school.
This is a group of music teachers and parents who are dedicated to the success and continued growth of our Tolland Music program. Join in the fun! We are a small group, and we need as many parents as possible to help us continue to support these students. We need your ideas and enthusiasm.
Always feel free to contact me:
Miss Titus
Email: [email protected]
Band Student Commitment
Student Directions:
- Read each section thoughtfully.
- Sign your full name in cursive where it says “musician signature”.
- Fill out bottom slip with a parent/ guardian. Please print.
- Cut along the dotted line.
- Please keep the top portion in your band folder and return just the bottom slip to Miss Titus.
- Hand in next class. Due date: September 4th or 5th
Home Practice
I will play at home at least 100 minutes per week (15-20 minutes per day). I will practice to improve my playing ability and learn the music, I will isolate problem spots in the music and I will work to fix them.
Success & Playing Ability
I will be successful by improving. I will demonstrate progress in my playing ability. My success in band is not how well I play compared to others but how much I improve individually. I do not have to be the best player in band, but I do have to improve and be the best player that I am capable of being.
Effort & Active Learning
I will focus in rehearsal. I will show excellent attitude, effort and ownership in my learning. I will show camaraderie and be a team player in the band.
I will attend lessons, dress rehearsals and concerts. I will be prepared. If I am going to miss a scheduled lesson, rehearsal or concert then I will let Miss Titus know and we will arrange for a time to make it up.
Musician Signature: _____________________
Band Student Commitment
please print
Musician: ________________________
Instrument: ____________________Grade: _____
Parent: _______________________
Phone: day ________________cell ________________
Return to Miss Titus by Sept. 5
Be prepared.

Band Student Supplies Checklist
Attend band & lesson with:
- instrument
- pencil
- folder
- music handouts
- sheet music
- book (keep the CD set at home for practicing)
grade 6: blue book and CD set, Standard of Excellence Book 2, by Bruce Pearson
grades 7&8: green book, Standard of Excellence Book 3, by Bruce Pearson
Jazz Band: Essential Elements for Jazz Ensemble, by Mike Steinel (Hal Leonard)
Cut along the dotted line………………………………….……………………………
Band Commitment TITUS BAND
Please keep the top part in your band folder as a reminder of your commitment and please return this bottom slip to Miss Titus.
We choose excellence.
Return to Miss Titus on or before Sept. 5
T.M.S. Band Dates
Grades 7 & 8
Fall Festival: October 19
7th & 8th Grade Band & Chorus
Student arrival time is 6:15; concerts begin at 6:30 p.m.
Winter Concert & Rehearsals:
7th & 8th Grade Band Dress Rehearsals 2:30-4:15 p.m., November 28th and
December 5th
7th & 8th Grade Band and 8th Grade Chorus Winter Concert, December 12th,
Student arrival time is 6:30; concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
Snow date: Monday, December 17th
Winter Assembly:
7th & 8th Grade Band and Chorus Winter Assembly, Friday, during school hours, December 21st
Winter Jazz Concert:
Grades 6 - 12 Jazz Bands Concert at T.H.S.
Winter Jazz Concert date: Tuesday, January 10th (no snow date available)
Student arrival time is 6:30; concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
Spring Jazz Concert:
Grades 6 - 8 Jazz Bands Concert at T.M.S.
Combined Jazz Band Rehearsals 2:30-4:15 p.m., March 18th and 19th
Spring Jazz Concert date: Wednesday, March 20th (snow date March 27th)
Student arrival time is 6:30; concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
Step Up Concert:
8th Grade Band & Chorus Step-Up Concert - Thursday, April 4th at T.H.S.
Student arrival time is 6:30; concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
Spring Concert:
7th & 8th Grade Band Dress Rehearsals 2:30-4:15 p.m., May 8th and May 15th
7th & 8th Grade Band Spring Concert, May 22nd
Student arrival time is 6:30; concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
Final Performances:
7th & 8th Grade Band & Chorus Adjudication Field Trip, Friday, May 31st, 8:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
7th & 8th Grade Band and 8th Grade Chorus Promotion Ceremony, second to last day of school, arrive at 5:00 p.m.
T.M.S. Band Dates
Grade 6
Winter Concert:
6th Grade Band, 6th Grade Chorus and 7th Grade Chorus Winter Concert, December 13th
Student arrival time is 6:30; concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
Snow date: Monday, December 17th
Winter Jazz Concert:
Grades 6 - 12 Jazz Bands Concert at T.H.S.
Tuesday, January 10th (no snow date available)
Student arrival time is 6:30; concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
Spring Jazz Concert:
Combined Jazz Band Rehearsals 2:30-4:15 p.m., March 18th and 19th
Spring Jazz Concert, Wednesday, March 20th
Snow date: March 27th
Student arrival time is 6:30; concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
Step Up Concert:
6th Grade Band and 5th Grade Band Step-Up Concert - Tuesday, April 9th at T.M.S.
Student arrival time is 6:30; concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
Spring Concerts:
6th Grade Band and 6th Grade Chorus Spring Concert, May 23rd
Student arrival time is 6:30; concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
Titus Band
August 30, 2018
Dear Proud Band Parent and Amazing Band Student,
Sixth grade group lessons will begin Monday, September 10th. Your lesson day, time, and location are listed on the back of this letter. Please acquire the book Standard of Excellence Book 2, plus either the CD accompaniment or download the recordings, by Bruce Pearson for the first lesson. Students should be dropped off at the main entrance, enter the building, turn right and travel down the main hallway to the band room. Please be sure your young musician has a freshly serviced working instrument prior to lessons.
Lesson Fee: $40 please submit a check payable to T.M.S. S.A.A
Lesson Attendance:
Students who are members of the Tolland Middle School band attend lesson each week. If a lesson is missed due to absence or morning mishaps the student may go to another lesson to make it up. Attending a different lesson provides a different experience. In the event of a 2 hour delay, morning lesson will meet at 9:15 a.m., or students may attend another lesson that week. In the event of a 90 minute delay, morning lesson will meet at 8:45 a.m., or students may attend another lesson that week.
Extra help:
Extra help is available, by appointment, every other Tuesday 2:30- 3:15 p.m. and Fridays, 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. Please request and schedule extra help with me at least 24 hours in advance. Also, please write a note to the main office indicating both that your child is staying after school and their mode of transportation. At 4:15 p.m., a late bus is available on Tuesdays; there is no late bus Fridays, please pick your child by 3:00 p.m. outside the band room door or indicate in the note that they have permission to walk home.
If you have any questions or concernsplease contact me at [email protected].
Miss Titus
Gerry’s Music Store visits Tolland Public Schools each week:
Book orders: Gerry's Music Store delivers every Friday to the T.M.S. band room. Students may pick up orders at the end of the day in the band room. Gerry's Music Store 1-800-724-7402
Repairs: Call Gerry’s Music Store Thursday by 4 p.m. to arrange for a pick up. Drop off repairs first thing Friday morning by Miss Titus' Desk. Pick up loaner instrument after lunch.
Grade 6 Instrument Lesson Groups:
Percussion: Mondays 7:15-7:45 a.m.
Brass: Tuesdays 7:15-7:45 a.m.
Saxophone: Wednesdays 7:15-7:45 a.m.
Clarinet: Thursdays 7:15-7:45 a.m.
Mixed Group: Thursdays 2:35-3:10 p.m.
Transportation: Please indicate your after school transportation plan on the return slip below and return the slip to Miss Titus. Please select one of the following: walk home, cafe club & 4:15 bus, cafe club & parent pick up time prior to 4:15 or parent pick up at 3:10 outside the band room door. If your 4:15 bus commitment changes please contact Mrs. Misiura in the main office prior to noon.
Brass: Thursdays 3:15 -3:45 p.m.
Transportation: Please indicate your after school transportation plan on the return slip below and return the slip to Miss Titus. Please select one of the following: walk home, cafe club & 4:15 bus, cafe club & parent pick up time prior to 4:15 or parent pick up at 3:45 outside the band room door. If your 4:15 bus commitment changes please contact Mrs. Misiura in the main office prior to noon.
Flute & Oboe: Fridays 7:15-7:45 a.m.
Extra Help After School:
Alternating Tuesdays 2:35-3:15 p.m. Students must sign up ahead of time. Please schedule after school extra help via email Miss Titus [email protected]. Transportation: Please indicate your after school transportation plan to the main office: walk home, cafe club & 4:15 bus, cafe club & parent pick up time prior to 4:15 or parent pick up at 3:15 outside the band room door. If your 4:15 bus commitment changes please contact Mrs. Misiura in the main office prior to noon.
Book & CD (or download online recording):
Standard of Excellence Book 2, by Bruce Pearson (blue book)
Students should practice and prepare to perform page 5 before your first lesson.
Gerry’s Music Shop takes book orders over the phone and delivers books, reeds, accessories, etc. to the TMS band room every Friday afternoon. 1-800-724-7402
Grade 6 lesson return slip:
Due: September 5th
check for $40 payable to T.M.S. S.A.A
Student's Name: ____________________________________ Instrument: ________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Names: _____________________________
Email: ____________________________________________
home phone: _________________________
cell phone: ______________________________
Afternoon lesson student transportation:
Parents of students assigned to afternoon lessons please check one of the following:
______walk home
______cafe club & 4:15 bus (If your 4:15 bus commitment changes please contact Mrs. Misiura in the main office prior to noon.)
______4:15 bus (If your 4:15 bus commitment changes please contact Mrs. Misiura in the main office prior to noon.) Afternoon flute & oboe lesson only.
______Thursday cafe club & parent pick up time prior to 4:15; estimated time: ________ p.m.
______Thursday parent pick up at 3:15 outside the band room door.
______Thursday parent pick up at 3:45 outside the band room door.
______other: ___________________________________________
Due: Sept. 5th
Titus Band
JAZZ BAND information August, 2018
Monday Starter Jazz Band is an after school enrichment activity, for band students currently enrolled in the grades 6, 7 & 8 band, and who are looking for an additional challenge above and beyond the band curriculum. Monday Starter Jazz Band is for students currently enrolled in band and who have been playing their instrument in the band program for the past two years or more.
Interested students who play guitar, bass guitar or piano should take private lessons with a music teacher who teaches in the jazz idiom and may audition for jazz band. Please contact Miss Titus at [email protected] if you are interested in scheduling a piano, guitar or bass audition Auditions will be held after school on Monday, September 17 or Monday, September 24.
This ensemble will meet after school Mondays from 2:30– 4:15 p.m. in the band room. The first rehearsal will be October 1st. There are two performances: January 10th at Tolland High School (no snow date available) and March 20th at Tolland Middle School (snow date March 27th). There will be two combined jazz band dress rehearsals prior to the March performance: Wednesday, March 13th and Monday, March 18th.
The rehearsal schedule will end with the March 20th performance. The fee for this ensemble is $40 payable to TMS SAA due Friday, September 14th. Please purchase the book prior to the first rehearsal: Essential Elements for Jazz Ensemble by Mike Steinel, Hal Leonard Publishing.
If your child needs special accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact Miss Titus at [email protected]
Wednesday T.M.S. Jazz Ensemble is an after school enrichment activity, for band students currently enrolled in the grades 7 & 8 band, and who are looking for an additional challenge above and beyond the band curriculum.. Students in this ensemble should have three or more years of playing experience, one or two years of experience in the beginner jazz band and/or permission from Miss Titus to join.
Students who play guitar, bass guitar or piano may audition for jazz band if they are currently taking private lessons in the jazz idiom. Please contact Miss Titus at [email protected] if you are interested in scheduling a piano, guitar or bass audition Auditions will be held after school on Monday, September 17 or Monday, September 24.
This ensemble will meet Wednesdays from 2:30-4:15 p.m. in the band room. Jazz Band is a great place for 8th grade students to prepare for high school jazz band. The first rehearsal will be Wednesday, October 3rd. There are two performances: January 10th at Tolland High School (no snow date available) and March 20th at Tolland Middle School (snow date March 27th). There will be two combined jazz band dress rehearsals prior to the March performance: Wednesday, March 13th and Monday, March 18th.
The rehearsal schedule will end with the March 20th performance. However, if there is a significant number of interested students, who are not involved in spring sports, rehearsals may continue and perform at grades 7&8 band concert. Please email Miss Titus by March 13th if you are interested in continuing past March. The fee for this ensemble is $40 payable to TMS SAA due Friday, September 14th. Please locate your book from last year or purchase the book prior to the first rehearsal: Essential Elements for Jazz Ensemble by Mike Steinel, Hal Leonard Publishing.
If your child needs special accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact Miss Titus at [email protected]
Jazz Band Information continued:
BOOK: Please purchase this book and have it for the first rehearsal. Please keep the accompaniment CDs safely at home for listening and playing along with while practicing. Gerry’s Music Shop 1-800-724-7402 delivers to Tolland schools each Friday.
Essential Elements for Jazz Ensemble
By Mike Steinel
Hal Leonard Publishing

Pack a SNACK: Please pack a healthy snack that will help you focus throughout rehearsal. Even if it is just a bottle of water, please have something.
TRANSPORTATION: Students should be picked up at 4:15 p.m. or sign up on the permanent late bus list. Please consistently use the bus every week if you sign up. If there will be an occasion when you will not be using the bus please inform Mrs. Misiura in the office that there is a change in the bus list. Students who wish to only occasionally use the “4:15 p.m. late bus,” should sign up in the office during homeroom on the day of rehearsal.
ATTENDANCE: Rehearsals may be cancelled in the event of school closing due to inclement weather or if Miss Titus is absent. If Miss Titus is absent, students will hear a morning announcement stating rehearsal is cancelled and that they should get on their regular bus.
SPORTS: Attendance to Jazz Band rehearsal is mandatory unless you have a game or meet. Dress rehearsals and performances take priority over games and meets. It is vital that you let both your coach and Miss Titus know if you will be taking part in both activities.
Please consider your level of commitment to jazz band if you are participating in a fall sport. Many students have successfully been a part of a school team and jazz band. To be part of both activities, you must be willing to plan ahead and organize your time.
Jazz Band Commitment Form TITUS BAND
Jazz Musician:___________________________
Instrument: __________________
Grade: ___
Please check which ensemble you are interested in joining:
____Monday Starter Jazz Band is an after school enrichment activity for TMS band members. Beginning Jazz Band is for students who are currently enrolled in grades 6, 7 & 8 and have been playing their instrument in the band program for two years or more.
____Wednesday T.M.S. Jazz Ensemble is an after school enrichment activity for band members in grades 7 & 8. Students in this ensemble should have three or more years of playing experience. Students in this ensemble should have one or two years of experience in the starter jazz band or permission from the director to join.
____ Please, sign me up to be on the permanent bus list. I will be taking the 4:15 bus consistently.
My street address is: _________________________________
____I will be getting a ride at 4:15 p.m.
____I will be walking home at 4:15 p.m.
____ I plan on trying out for a school athletic team this year. Please list all:
Proud Band Parent: _________________
Phone: day/cell ______________home ____________
Return this slip to Miss Titus with a check for $40 payable to “TMS SAA” by September 15th
Attach the check with a paper clip or put this form and check in an envelope.
Please, do not tape or staple the check to this form.
Rhythm Section Audition Info.

Essential Elements for Jazz Ensemble
By Mike Steinel
Hal Leonard Publishing
Purchase your own book and have it delivered to Tolland Middle School: call Gerry’s Music Shop 1-800-724-7402. Joe Sabol delivers to Tolland schools each Friday.
Piano, upright bass or electric bass and guitar audition music:
1.) SCALE: Bflat Blues scale (swing eighth notes) page 6A #9
2.) SONG: Page 10B #30 Swingin’ with Jack
3.) SONG: Page 23 # 81 Riffin Around
1.) listen to CD recording
2.) play a slow version on your own and gradually increase speed.
3.) Listen to the recording many times.
4.) Play along with CD at tempo for audition.
Piano & guitar:
A simple comping rhythm to use in Riffin’ Around mm.13-24, 25-36, 37-48 is: 1 (2) + (3) 4
Jazz Band Schedule:
Monday Jazz Band:
Performance 1:
Grades 6-12 January Jazz Concert at Tolland High School Auditorium
Thursday, January 10
6:30 pm call, performance at 7 (no snow date available)
Concert Attire: all black
Rehearsals for performance 1:
Mondays 2:30-4:15 p.m.
Oct. 1, 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, Dec. 3, 10, 17 Jan. 7
Performance 2:
Grades 6-8 Jazz Concert at Tolland Middle School Auditorium
Wednesday March 20
6:30 p.m. call, performance at 7 (snow date March 27)
Concert Attire: all black
Rehearsals for performance 2:
Jan. 14, 28, 29 Feb. 4, 11, 25, Mar. 4, 11, Wednesday, March 13, Monday, March 18
Combined dress rehearsals: Wednesday, March 13 & Monday, March 18
Jazz Band Schedule:
Wednesday Jazz Band:
Performance 1:
Grades 6-12 January Jazz Concert at Tolland High School Auditorium
Thursday, January 10 (no snow date available)
6:30 pm call, performance at 7:00 p.m.
Concert Attire: all black
Rehearsals for performance 1:
Wednesdays 2:30-4:15 p.m.
Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Nov. 7, 14, Dec. 19, 26 Jan. 2, 9
Performance 2:
Grades 6-8 Jazz Concert at Tolland Middle School Auditorium
Wednesday March 20 (snow date March 27)
6:30 p.m. call, performance at 7:00 p.m.
Concert Attire: all black
Rehearsals for performance 2:
Jan. 16, 23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, Mar. 6, 13, Monday, March 18
Combined dress rehearsals: Wednesday, March 13 & Monday, March 18