French and Spanish classes 7/8
Intro to World Languages 6

Bienvenue à la classe de français! I am very excited and honored to be teaching French for the 7th and 8th graders at TMS. Please feel free to email me anytime at [email protected] . In both classes we are using the Tolland High School curriculum which employs TPRS strategy (Total Physical Response storytelling) to improve pronunciation, grammar and fluency. We also work with grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing and listening skills! All grades are posted online. Our textbook, Discovering French (Nouveau- Bleu), has a great curriculum covering culture, grammar and vocabulary. Remember to tell your son or daughter that completing academic practice helps to ensure good grades on quizzes and tests! There is homework almost every night and quizzes weekly. I do post homework on Classroom streaming daily. Please call or email me if there is a question. I am available after school , before school and sometimes during CONNECT for help if needed. Please have your son or daughter schedule an appointment with me! Merci!
Bienvenidos a la clase de español: I am thrilled to be teaching 7th and 8th grade Spanish at TMS. Please email me anytime with questions. We cover chapters 1 and 2 in 7th grade and chapters 3, 4 and 5 in 8th grade. We utilize the book Avancemos and TPRS storytelling. All grades are posted daily on Powerschool. All work due is posted in streaming on Classroom. If your son or daughter completes both years and they have above an 80, they may be eligible to skip Spanish I at THS! I offer extra help before and after school as well as during CONNECT. We utilize the skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening and grammar. We also study culture, watch movies and discuss uses of Spanish in the United States!.
Introduction to World Languages: This 6th grade class is one quarter and introduces the students to approximately 4 weeks of French and 4 weeks of Spanish. The students will learn topics including greetings, colors, numbers 1-10, alphabet, weather, days of the week, months of the year, 35 new vocabulary words, body parts and family members! After this class, they can choose if they wish to take French or Spanish in 7th grade! Please contact me if you or your child has any questions about taking French or Spanish!