Our Lives in LA

Our Lives in LA


LA 1

            This week, students complete their focus on narrative poetry and the Stages of the Hero.  The completed rough draft is due on Tuesday.  Students have already completed the first five stanzas, which is the whole poem for some of them.  The final copy (typed) is due this Friday.  Students have a pink rubric detailing all the information they need for this assignment.  All students leaving for the band/chorus trip must turn it in prior to their departure!
            We will be moving on to our last piece of the year, a multi-modal autobiography, that students will be working on in class.

LA 2
This week, we continue to read our poetic novel, All the Broken Pieces.  This is the story of a young boy named Matt Pin, who was adopted through Operation Babylift during the Vietnam War.  As we read, students can expect to participate in classroom discussion, spend some time reading on their own, and completing reading comprehension checks on portions of the novel.