No Balloons/No Latex gloves:
TMS has staff and students who are allergic to Latex. Therefore, only Mylar balloons and latex free gloves will be used at TMS and throughout the Tolland School System.
Student Absence:
Please call 860-870-6868 (Option 1) to leave a message regarding your student's absence. Please be sure to include the reason for absence, and any specific symptoms of illness. Per State of Connecticut Guidelines, a parent/guardian is able to verify up to 9 absences per school year. Absences beyond 9 days requires medical documentation.
Click below for copy of the Connecticut Guidelines:
School Physicals: Required 6th Grade:
“ immunization update and additional health assessment are required in the 6th grade and in the 10th grade” as specified by Tolland BOE and Connecticut General Statutes Sec 10-204a and 10-206. Physical examinations done one (1) year prior to the student entering 6th grade are acceptable. Click here for a copy of the School Physical Form
Immunizations: Required for 7th grade entry:
per State of Connecticut Department of Public Health:
- Tdap/Td: 1 dose for students who have completed their primary DTaP series.
- Meningococcal: 1 dose
Click here for all required school vaccinations.
Yearly Sports Physical for Athletes:
Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (Page 9, CIAC 2023-2024 Handbook) “...Every athlete who participates in any CIAC-sanctioned activity (practice and/or contest) must be determined physically fit through a pre-participating evaluation performed within the past 13 months…”
Click here for a copy of the Sports Physical Form.
Click here to register your athlete online FinalForms - Tolland Schools
Prescription and over the counter medications must be accompanied by a physician signed “Authorization for the Administration of Medicine by School Personnel” per Connecticut State Law and regulations 10-21(a). Medications (properly contained with a label affixed bearing the patient’s name, physician, medication, dose directions for administration, and prescription number) must be delivered to school nurse by the parent . Medications not picked up by the end of the school year will be discarded.
Click here for a copy of the Medication Authorization Form
Concussion Signs and Symptoms:
A concussion is caused by a blow to the head or body resulting in a manifestation of signs and symptoms including, but not limited to:
- Headache, Confusion, Difficulty remembering or paying attention
- Balance Problems, Dizziness, Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy or groggy
- Nausea, Vomiting, Slowed reaction time
- Bothered by light or noise, Double or blurry vision
- Loss of consciousness, Feeling irritable, more emotional or “down”
If you suspect that your son/daughter has sustained a concussion, please follow up with the School Nurse 860-870-6868 and/or your student's Doctor.
HUSKY Health Programs (For those without insurance): click here for info
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Ms. Laura Dolcelli, RN [email protected]
Mrs. Jariah Wahed, LPN [email protected]
Direct Fax to Nurse: 1-860-374-2428